Saturday, March 20, 2010

"1816- The Year Without a Summer"

The story of Frankenstein takes place in Switzerland and London 1816-1817.

In Western Europe, year 1816 was known as “the year without a summer.” In Melody L. Higdon’s article, Climo Talk, she writes, “In New England, eastern Canada, and western Europe, the late spring through early fall of 1816 was extraordinarily cold, an estimated 4-7 Fahrenheit (1.5 to 2.5 Celsius) degrees cooler than normal.” (
Perhaps that is why Victor, as a teenager, became interested in the mysteries of the outside world. The poverty of Beaufort (causing him to die) and the orphaning of Elizabeth probably existed during this time because the harsh, unexpected weather caused many people to lose their crops. The Frankenstein’s became the close, loving family that provided for them. In a world where poverty existed it seems as though the value of family and closeness becomes more important because at that time it’s really all you have. Because of the weather it is no surprise that Victor’s mother dies from scarlet fever.

The cold, harsh weather can mirror the way Victor acted towards everyone after he goes off to Ingolstadt. He drives into his studies full speed ahead and complete forgets about his social life and his family far away in Genenva. Then when he starts seeing progress and starts working on his creature he gives a cold shoulder to EVERYTHING, this time including his studies. The weather can also mirror the danger of Victor’s creation being out in the open world.

I know I'd be shivering in my boots if something walked up to me that looked like THIS...

Adrianna Sikula

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